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Grad thesis: Aging

During my grad program in Branding at the School of Visual Arts, faculty presented culturally relevant themes to be investigated and generate a strategically creative outcome.

Students were also given the opportunity to present their own proposals aside from the existing themes. I took the liberty to propose a theme that was part of an ongoing subject of my research: Aging x Ageism.

The proposal was selected, and our team embarked on a deep exploration of how advertising and other industries continue to blindly market to the ever young generation, which in Naomi Klein’s words “makes a good deal of sense, since they are the ones who grew up sold."

Below is a sample of our research and pathways to liberate ourselves from the socially prescribed timelines based on age.

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but, this isn’t just a crisis for the “old”.
fear and anxiety around aging begins early, and research shows that those in their 20s and 30s are shown to have the highest fear and anxiety about aging.

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ageism existed long before it was given its name.

History shows us that:

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therefore, we must

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simply because,

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the solution:


in order to bring the concept of own time to life, we need to disrupt the embedded belief system, re-educate ourselves, connect generations together, and celebrate those who are defying expectations limited by their age.


here are some of the pathways we propose:

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An annual publication followed by social channels that celebrates those who are defying expectations and are living a life of meaning, unlimited by their age.



A phone app that enables wisdom exchange from all ages.
